FairTrade USA
© 2012 Fair Trade Teaneck
Teaneck, New Jersey
This site is maintained by the Teaneck Fair Trade Steering Committee, a group of residents, business owners, and community organizations interested in growing Teaneck, NJ, as a Fair Trade Town.
Welcome to Fair Trade Teaneck, the 21st Fair Trade town in America 
Fair Trade is a response to an escalating human rights crisis in developing regions of the world. This alternative to free trade guarantees just labor practices, including the abolition of child slave labor; fair wages; and sustainable farming methods. By choosing certified Fair Trade products, you can materially help the impoverished and the vulnerable to become self-sufficient and achieve economic justice.

Congratulate Teaneck High School on becoming the 1st Fair Trade public high school in New Jersey by liking the Fair Trade THS Facebook page!
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Fair Trade Towns USA
A  Member of Fair Trade Towns USA.
The 21st Fair Trade Town in United States